Luminous Fluorescent Stickers | A Complete Guide

Introduction of a Fluorescent Sticker

Fluorescent stickers are different in nature because of their light-emitting property. They shine in the dark and reflect the color they are made with. This luminous nature of fluorescent stickers looks them attractive, beautiful and eye-catching. Light always catches the eyes of people so an object emitting light it will obviously call people towards it. Any material which emits light from itself is known as the fluorescent material. There are fluorescent tubes, lamps etc. They have the capability of absorbing light and by emitting the glow is produce which is accompanied by the color of the object and will see the light that has color same as the color of an object.

Fluorescent stickers are based on the physics phenomenon. The emitted light has a longer wavelength and lower energy than the absorbed light. They absorb and store the light energy and when it is dark they exhibit the light. This looks very beautiful. They are different objects use as fluorescent stickers. They are also called neon stickers they shine and attract their attention. They are usually used when you want to high light some important points. They are very useful in promotional events.

Vinyl Printed Fluorescent Stickers:

These are good quality vinyl made stickers they make the sticker to adhere with the smooth surface by its adhesive back. Low quality/energy plastic like ABS may not allow the sticker to paste on it. The adhesive used is water resistant so it can face rain in the outside environment. It has UV resistant ink which helps it to fight with the sun and atmosphere. These qualities made it favorable for the outdoor use without worrying of any damage to the fluorescent sticker.

Customizing Properties of a Fluorescent Sticker:

The fluorescent stickers and labels are found in four different colors that are:
  • Green
  • Orange
  • Pink
  • Yellow
For the best result of fluorescent stickers printing solid black ink is the best choice this really has a prominent image on the fluorescent bright color vinyl background. They fluorescent stickers can be of any size and shape they can be according to your requirement.

How and Where to Use a Fluorescent Sticker?

Fluorescent stickers are used for decoration, labeling, and promoting events. They are the great high lighters for the place where we want others to have attention. They are also used on walls to make them beautiful. There are in different shapes, as for the ceiling people use stars and moon so when the lights are off the stars and moons shines in the dark giving the look of the sky at night. People paste small pieces of fluorescent stickers of different colors to mark the pages each with a different meaning, for example, orange sticker for important questions. Similarly, in promoting events, fluorescent stickers are used to high light important points. Application of a fluorescent sticker is very simple they have an adhesive back which reveals by taking off the thin lining. Exposed adhesive side now can be paste anywhere.


  1. Thanks for these kind of posts, its really appreciated and keep updating your posts.

    Custom Stickers


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